Exposing the Invisible - The Kit
Getting Started
Since you're here, this is the kit for you. This section is about getting you started with an understanding of what the kit is about and what it means to start an investigation.
The Kit

This kit is a starting point for those who believe in the power of information as evidence.
You're Already an Investigator

You are already an investigator. That is why you are here.
Safety First

Stay safe, digitally, physically and psychologically to keep yourself and those around you protected.
Investigation Essentials
Some basics of investigation such as what makes good evidence, how to evaluate it and do fact checking.
What Makes an Investigation

A look at the most important elements of an investigation.
Evaluating Evidence and Information Sources

You've identified and collected information to serve as evidence in your investigation. What next?
The Basics of Fact-Checking

Learn from a practitioner what it means to fact-check every piece of information you find and intend to use.
Navigating Libraries and Archives

Explore libraries and archives that offer precious resources for your investigation.
Investigation is Collaboration

Never investigate alone. Plan, organise and run your collaboration with investigators, sources and others.
Crowdsourcing Evidence for Investigations

The power of many. Ethical uses of crowdsourcing to gather and verify evidence.
Investigation Methods
Whether you want to apply advanced internet searches, recover deleted online content, use maps to verify information, or more, here you can get an understanding of the key techniques to use in your investigation.
OSINT – Diving Into an ‘Ocean’ of Information

Combine different openly available information sources to find meaningful data for your investigation.
Search Smarter by Dorking

A look at advanced internet searches with “Google dorking.”
Retrieving and Archiving Information From Websites

Explore ways to find and retrieve historical and ‘lost’ information online.
How to See What’s Behind a Website

A practical overview of tools and techniques to investigate the ownership of websites.
Using Maps to See Beyond the Obvious

How to use maps, geographic data and satellite imagery to find and visualise information.
Data Acquisition for Beginners

A how-to guide on converting your data into a format more easily analysed by computer programs.
Geolocation Methods: A step by step guide

How to geolocate photos and videos, moving from basic to more advanced techniques and skills.
In the Field
Out in the field you need to make sure you're effective and safe whether you're collecting samples or talking to people
Away From Your Screen, Out in the Field

Plan, run and evaluate your field investigations safely and effectively.
Interviews: the Human Element of Your Investigation

How to interview and maintain safe contact with people during your investigations.
How to Manage Your Sources

Learn to develop and maintain human sources to enrich your investigations.
Bio-investigations in the Field

Methods, tools and good-practices for investigating your local environment.
Gathering Visual Evidence

Identify, record and represent visual evidence for your documentation and research.
Diving Deeper
Understanding more about what you're investigating helps you search for the right tools, techniques and data sources to answer your questions. Here you can explore topics and case studies or find inspiration to start your own investigation.
Supply Chain and Product Investigations

An introduction to supply chain investigation methods and resources.
Signs, Symbols and Other Visual Clues

Aid your investigation by exploring visual signs or symbols.
What's in a Company?

Start researching companies by mapping their business ownership and connections.
Thinking Critically About Maps

How to critically read and use maps for investigation, resistance and more.
Investigating Climate Change Adaptation

Explore and practice possible pathways for investigating climate disasters.
How to Track Online Disinformation Networks

A methodology to discover and track online disinformation networks.
Communicating Investigations
Investigations are one thing, but how to tell your story of what you've uncovered is another. Find out some strategies around narrating your investigation results.
The World Is a Story

A storyteller’s perspective on how to expose urgent global issues.
Eight Breakable Rules of Investigative Writing

Follow or break the rules of investigative writing.
The Making of an Anti-biometric Mass Surveillance Campaign

How a community of activists investigated and campaigned against a new mass surveillance project in Belgrade, Serbia.
Some case studies of how investigators conducted their investigations.
Extracting Information From Social Apps: a Case of Exposed Data

A real-world example of an investigation into the data collected by an app.
Exploring Connections Between Political Parties and Personal Data Brokers in the UK

Insights into an investigation on the use of voters’ personal data in political campaigns.
ad.watch: Investigating Political Ads

Two investigators trace their process of researching political advertising on Facebook.